Vendor: ADAEnergy Sand・Enhanced version has enhanced nutrients, in addition to chlorothalonil powder and high-efficiency water powder, BC powder (bamboo charcoal powder) is added. The rich nutrient elements and the activities of soil microorganisms reproduce the soil ecosystem, so that the aquatic plants can maintain a...
- From $168.00
- From $168.00
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Vendor: ADAAquarium special mud series products are all base material developed for natural aquarium landscaping with high-quality natural soil as raw material. Black Aqua Mud - Amazon Ver.2 can better set off the bright leaf color of aquatic plants. The Amazon nutrient that comes with...
- From $60.00
- From $60.00
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Vendor: ADAShock-absorbing bottom pad It is a special pad that is placed under the fish tank to absorb skew and vibration. When placing an ultra-white glass square fish tank, please be sure to lay it. ※The size is slightly larger than the fish tank, so...
- From $77.00
- From $77.00
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Vendor: ADAAP glass feeder It is the most suitable feeding device for feeding AP nutritional fish food to fish. The curved surface that makes full use of the characteristics of glass is suitable for human hands and makes feeding more enjoyable. You can feed the...
- From $221.00
- From $221.00
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Vendor: ADAReservation required Aquarium special scissors This product can be used in combination with special shears for pruning to handle various situations in aquatic plants landscaping. Aquarium special scissors, divided into M and L two specifications. Both sizes are longer than shears for pruning, so...
- From $659.00
- From $659.00
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Vendor: ADAMousse cotton thread It is a special wire for wrapping moss such as Moss on the dead wood. The same dark green color as the moss, it is inconspicuous. Because it is kapok thread, after mousse is attached, it will dissolve and disappear naturally.
- $53.00
- $53.00
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Vendor: ADABlanche Wood The charm of Blanche wood is that it has more branches and a unique natural shape. It does not require complicated assembly, and is suitable for beginner aquarium enthusiasts. ※When using it for the first time, it may float up due to...
- From $48.00
- From $48.00
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Vendor: ADAAmazonian mud is the most suitable material for natural aquascaping. It can easily achieve the flourishing of aquatic plants, the healthy growth of fish, shrimp, etc., and reproduce the state in the natural environment. When used together with energy sand containing organic acids and...
- From $70.00
- From $70.00
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Vendor: ADAAqua Background Film It is the background film directly pasted on the back of the fish tank. It will not peel off, and it will not get dirty with water between the fish tank. Please choose your favorite color according to the layout of...
- From $64.00
- From $64.00
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plain blue
plain black
transparent blue
Vendor: ADAADA Colorado Makeup SandColorado sand The slightly reddish-brown Colorado cosmetic sand is a natural cosmetic sand suitable for general fish tanks and aquatic plants landscaping. It will not affect the water quality. A thin layer can be spread on the bottom of the small fish...
- From $90.00
- From $90.00
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Vendor: ADAnatural pebbles It is a natural river sand with no increase in hardness, which can be directly laid on the bottom of the fish tank as bottom sand. (also available for underside)
- From $64.00
- From $64.00
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Vendor: ADAUltra-white glass square fish tank It is the most suitable standard fish tank for natural aquariums. In order to present a beautiful and clear waterscape, we use high-quality ultra-clear clear glass with higher transparency. Carefully handcrafted by skilled fish tank artisans. (Glass cover for...
- From $480.00
$442.00- From $480.00
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Vendor: ADAADA Eriocaulon breviscapum IC467
- $152.00
- $152.00
- Unit price
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Vendor: ADAred horn The sunken wood with a wild and natural feeling, a few pieces can complete the composition skeleton of the waterscape.
- From $48.00
- From $48.00
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Vendor: ADADriftwood Driftwood with twigs will inspire your layout. Straight branches tend to create a rough impression in the layout. Therefore, if you install Taxiphyllum barbieri or Microsorum in certain places while utilizing branch lines, the natural feel will increase. *Initially, since there may be...
- From $48.00
- From $48.00
- Unit price
- per
There are 206 Page(s) and article(s) for 'ada*'
ADA Energy Sand・Power Sand Advance
Energy Sand・Enhanced version has enhanced nutrients, in addition to chlorothalonil powder and high-efficiency water powder, BC powder (bamboo charcoal powder) is...View product -
ADA Amazonia Ver.2 (Aqua Soil) Aqua Soil - Amazonia Ver.2
Aquarium special mud series products are all base material developed for natural aquarium landscaping with high-quality natural soil as raw material....View product -
ADA Shock Absorber Garden Mat
Shock-absorbing bottom pad It is a special pad that is placed under the fish tank to absorb skew and vibration. When...View product -
ADA AP Glass AP glass feeder
AP glass feeder It is the most suitable feeding device for feeding AP nutritional fish food to fish. The curved surface...View product -
ADA Aquarium Special Scissors Series
Reservation required Aquarium special scissors This product can be used in combination with special shears for pruning to handle various situations...View product -
Ada Moss Cotton (200m) #106-033
Mousse cotton thread It is a special wire for wrapping moss such as Moss on the dead wood. The same dark...View product -
Ada Branch Wood
Blanche Wood The charm of Blanche wood is that it has more branches and a unique natural shape. It does not...View product -
ADA Amazon (coarse and fine mud) Aqua Soil - Amazonia
Amazonian mud is the most suitable material for natural aquascaping. It can easily achieve the flourishing of aquatic plants, the healthy...View product -
ADA Aquarium Background Film
Aqua Background Film It is the background film directly pasted on the back of the fish tank. It will not peel...View product -
ADA Colorado Makeup SandColorado sand
ADA Colorado Makeup SandColorado sand The slightly reddish-brown Colorado cosmetic sand is a natural cosmetic sand suitable for general fish tanks and...View product -
ADA natural pebble aqua gravel
natural pebbles It is a natural river sand with no increase in hardness, which can be directly laid on the bottom...View product -
ADA Ultra Clear Glass Square Fish Tank Cube Garden
Ultra-white glass square fish tank It is the most suitable standard fish tank for natural aquariums. In order to present a...View product -
Ada Horn Wood
red horn The sunken wood with a wild and natural feeling, a few pieces can complete the composition skeleton of the...View product -
Ada Slim Wood #106-246
Driftwood Driftwood with twigs will inspire your layout. Straight branches tend to create a rough impression in the layout. Therefore, if...View product -
ADA Matsuo Rotala wallichi longleaf IC389
Rotala Wallichi "Long Leaf" is similar to Rotala Wallichi with longer leaves. It needs bright light and carbon dioxide to thrive....View product -
ADA glass cover rack
Stainless steel hanger for ultra-white glass square fish tank with glass cover. Please choose according to the glass thickness of the...View product -
Ada Pressure Resistance Tube
Note that this product requires pre-order pressure tube It can be used for connection between carbon dioxide pressure reducing valve and...View product -
ADA Cryptocoryne sivadasanii IC199
Cryptocoryne Sivadasani is a new cryptcoryne with long, thin leaves. It is best used as a background plant in an aquarium....View product -
ADA Cryptocoryne balansae IC098
Cryptocoryne Balansae is best used as a background plant in an aquarium. This is a popular basement with long, hammer-like leaves...View product -
ADA Purple Court Rotala rotundifolia 'Hra' IC043
Rotala sp. "H'Ra" is a beautiful new plant that originated in Vietnam. When grown in the right conditions, this plant will...View product -
ADA Aquarium Background Film
Aqua Background Film It is the background film directly pasted on the back of the fish tank. It will not peel...View product -
ADA Myrophyllium mattogrosense IC406
A popular plant with beautiful stems with feather-like leaves and bright green foliage. This plant is native to Brazil. It grows...View product -
ADA Cryptocoryne spiralis red IC195
A cryptid with slender dark brown leaves. Instructions: Type: rosette Origin: Asia Growth rate: medium Height: 8-15+ cm Light demand: medium...View product -
ADA Hemianthus micranthemoides IC022
One of the easiest mid-ground and background plants. A must for all aquariums. Pale green leaves. A classic natural aquarium plant...View product -
ADA La Plata Makeup Sand La Plata sand
La Plata Makeup Sand Natural and bright La Plata cosmetic sand is a natural cosmetic sand suitable for general fish tanks and...View product -
ADA Cryptocoryne pink panther IC185
A new crypt with a unique pink color. Type: rosette origin: Growth rate: slow Height: 5-10 + cm Light demand: medium...View product -
ADA Professional Aquatic Plant Tweezers/Clip Series
Reservation required Professional aquatic tweezers It is a professional-grade aquatic landscaping tweezers that pays great attention to the strength of the...View product -
ADA Eleocharis montevidensis IC140
Eleocharis montevidensis is a background plant for aquariums. It is a very tall and slightly thick hari grass that is suitable...View product -
Ada Riccia Line (50m) #106-032
Antler moss binding It is a special wire for wrapping antler moss on stones or dead wood. Because it is the...View product -
ADA Drosera spathulata IC373
Drosera Adelae is a carnivorous TERRARIUM plant. They are found in hot and humid areas along streams. They also have interesting...View product -
ADA Red Butterfly Rotala macrandra IC010
Classic red stem plant. It has very nice red leaves that contrast well with other green stem plants and is a...View product -
ADA Solar RGB Solar RGB (W/O plug) #108-098
SolarRGB Aquatic plants can be cultivated both healthily and perfectly to show off their brilliant colors. The brand new LED lighting...View product -
ADA Utricularia graminifolia IC205
A carnivorous foreground carpet plant that does well when fed on small shrimp and aquatic crustaceans. *See more details from the...View product -
ADA Coral Moss Riccardia chamedryfolia IC821
Mini Pellia is a wormwood terrestrial plant that has grown in popularity and demand over the past few years. It is...View product -
ADA Ranaculus innunduatus IC299
Microcarpaea Minima Merrill is a relatively short plant with green needle-like leaves that can be used as a foreground or mid-earth...View product -
ADA Echinodorus tenellus 'Green' IC154
This is an attractive grass carpet plant. It appears to be slightly shorter in length compared to Thorn bean, and leaves...View product -
ADA Java Moss Taxiphyllum barbieri IC812
This is no ordinary Java moss. It has a finer, softer texture and smaller size than Java Moss. This is the...View product -
ADA Ceylon Rotala ceylon IC439
Rotala sp. "Ceylon" is a fast-growing, hardy, and easy-to-grow stemmed plant. It's light green, but in bright light it turns pink....View product -
ADA Clear Soft Throat
Transparent hose (3m) It is a hose that can be connected to an external filter without affecting the transparency of the...View product -
ADA Rotala sp. 'Vietnam' IC025
Rotala sp. "Vietnamese" can be used as a mid-background for any layout, especially in those aquascapes that rely heavily on the use...View product -
ADA Echinodorus tenellus IC076
The smallest of all Echinoderma species. A beautiful carpet is formed, with old leaves turning red. Prefers rich, fertile, fertile soil....View product -
ADA Pocket Banyan Anubias Petite nana IC055
A miniature version of the popular Anubias nana. It remains small and short, about 5 cm tall. This is a very...View product -
ADA Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Green gecko' IC099
A new hybrid green cryptic coral with distinctive pale green leaves that can be used in the middle ground. Instructions: Type:...View product -
ADA Cow Felt Eleocharis parvula IC027
Eleocharis acicularis mini (labeled Eleocharis parvula) is also known as "Japanese dwarf grass". It may be the shortest hair grass on...View product -
ADA Echinodorus joyo 'Red star' LC074
Echinodorus 'Joyo Red Star' The back left of Echinodorus 'Joyo Red Star' is planted with impressive submerged leaves in a mix of...View product -
ADA Thai water sword Cyperus helferi IC031
A rosette plant from Thailand that grows well in high temperatures. This is a beautiful and easy-to-maintain grass-like plant best used...View product -
ADA Mini Sangaris Rotala Macrandra sp. Mini IC438
It is a miniature version of Rotala Macrandra, which has much smaller leaves and can be pruned frequently. Instructions: Type: Stem...View product -
ADA Cryptocoryne Parva IC093
Possibly one of the smallest Cryptocoronas commercially available. Makes a nice low maintenance prospect. A slow grower. An ideal ground cover...View product -
ADA Hygrophila pinnatifida IC202
A highly decorative stem plant with a distinctive pinnately lobed leaf shape and rich colors, similar to Cryptocoryne. If left unpruned,...View product