廠商: ADAADA 血紅宮廷 Rotala rotundifolia ‘Blood Red’ IC443
- $78.00
- $78.00
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廠商: ADAADA 佛羅里達夕燒 Rotala ramosior 'Florida' IC465
- $78.00
- $78.00
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廠商: ADAADA 短莛穀精 Eriocaulon breviscapum IC467
- $152.00
- $152.00
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廠商: ADAADA 馬達加斯加網草 Aponogeton madagascerensis IC300
- $152.00
- $152.00
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廠商: ADAWabi-Kusa Mat
- $245.00
- $245.00
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廠商: ADAWabi-Kusa Mat
- $300.00
- $300.00
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廠商: ADAEchinodorus ‘Joyo Red Star’ Echinodorus 'Joyo Red Star' 的背面左側種植著綠色和紅色混合的令人印象深刻的沈水葉子。它很好地填滿了背景的左端,並與以大葉子為重心的大棘龍建立了良好的聯繫 Echinodorus ‘Joyo Red Star’ with its impressive submerged leaves in mixture of green and red is planted on the left in the back. It nicely filled the left end of the background and made a well-connection...
- $160.00
- $160.00
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廠商: ADACup-T ADA Lagenandra meeboldi 'Vinay chandra' LC225
- $160.00
- $160.00
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廠商: ADA照顧taxiphyllum sp。孔雀苔並不難,對於初學者來說也很容易掌握。它在溫度介於 65°F 和 77°F 之間的冷水中茁壯成長。在更高的溫度下,孔雀苔會開始死亡,它會枯萎並失去孔雀形的葉子。它在硬水和軟水中都表現良好,但它需要 pH 值介於 5.0 和 7.5 之間的水。
- $245.00
- $245.00
- 單價
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廠商: ADA一種來自圭亞那的適用於納米坦克的新型矮葉蟲。 操作說明: 類型:莖 原產地:中美洲 增長率:中等 身高:5-10+ 厘米 輕度需求:中~高 二氧化碳:中等 A new dwarf Myriophyllum from Guyana that is suitable for nano tanks. INSTRUCTION: Type: Stem Origin: Central America Growth Rate: Medium Height: 5-10+ cm Light Demand: Medium ~ High CO2: Medium
- $78.00
- $78.00
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廠商: ADA一種迷人的深紅色 Ludwigia,其葉子在最佳光照條件下變成酒紅色。 操作說明: 類型:莖 產地:北美 增長率:快 身高:10-20+ 厘米 光需求:高 二氧化碳:中等 An attractive deep red Ludwigia whose leaves turn burgundy in optimum light conditions. INSTRUCTION: Type: Stem Origin: North America Growth Rate: Fast Height: 10-20+ cm Light Demand: High CO2: Medium
- $78.00
- $78.00
- 單價
- 每
廠商: ADAThis is a new variant of Rotala with slender leaves that gives a stiff impression. The leaf color change from green to yellow depending on the growing enviornment. INSTRUCTION: Type: Stem Origin: Asia Growth Rate: Medium-Fast Height: 10-30+ cm Light Demand: High CO2: High 這是一種新的Rotala變種,帶有細長的葉子,給人一種僵硬的印象。葉子顏色根據生長環境從綠色變為黃色。...
- $78.00
- $78.00
- 單價
- 每